Me when I'm mad at Big B

When I'm mad at Big B, I don't want him to do anything for me.  My first course of action is to rampage through the house cleaning everything in my path.  Am I a weirdo or what?  Please tell me there are other ladies out there like me.  Hmmmm.....Our house is a mess right now, maybe I should pick a fight with Big B tonight. 

Little B when he gets yelled at for doing something wrong

Sometimes I think that Little B must be the sweetest toddler on the planet.  When I tell him no and he knows that I am being serious he immediately puts his head down and comes to me for a hug.  Then I feel like a terrible witch for yelling at such a sweet little boy.  But then five minutes later he goes right back to doing the exact thing I told him not to do and then I remember why I yelled.

Toddle Along Tuesday - Potty Book and Measuring Cups

Little B has been obsessed with books for probably about the last six months.  I LOVE that he loves books so much.  At every diaper change, he insists on reading the toddler bible he got as a baptism gift.  I'm not overly religious, but I won't question anything that will keep him still for a couple minutes while I change him.  More recently, Little B has been announcing each time he makes a number two by saying "poo poo."  So I decided to buy a potty seat and potty book just for shits and giggles.  I'm not expecting to potty train him at 18 months, but it couldn't hurt to have it on hand right?  Well, now we have Little B's new obsession.  The minute he comes home from daycare this is what he does....

He sits on his potty (with his pants on of course) and reads his potty book.  He also likes to carry the potty seat into the living room and sit on it to watch Thomas.

The other day I was making dinner and Little B was being a beast.  Big B was still at work, so I needed to think of something quick to entertain Little B or I was going to have to hold him and try to make dinner with one hand (never fun).  This is what I came up with......

Measuring cups filled with water.  Little B LOVED it!  And now, he loves playing with the measuring cups.  He actually loves the tablespoon and teaspoon measuring cups the most and since I hardly use those, they are now mixed in amongst all of his toys.
And finally, I can't leave you without a little humor.  We recently went apple picking.  This is Little B whenever someone says "apple"

This is how I feel when Little B goes number 2 after I JUST changed his diaper

Is it just me, or are toddlers impossible when it comes to diaper changing?

How I looked after being out til 4 A.M.

You know you're 30 when it takes you days to recover from one night of drinking.  Big B and I went out for a friend's birthday on Saturday night.  We don't get out much so naturally we partied like rockstars until 4 A.M.  I am still hungover and sore.  What on earth could I be sore from?  I carry around a 28 lb toddler all the time and that doesn't affect me.  But one night out at the bar and I feel like I just spent three hours in an intense cardio class.  I must have had some awesome dance moves on Saturday night. 

When I get home from work and see that Big B has already made dinner