My reaction after reading 50 Shades of Grey

I just do not get the hype around this book.  It's terrible.  Plain and simple.

When my best friend told me she loves the show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"

I just can't handle more than two minutes of this show.  I put it on the other night because there was nothing else on, thinking I would give it another chance.  After a couple minutes Big B said "Wait, what the hell are we watching?"  Sucess, it got his attention away from his iPhone and fantasy baseball for a second, so maybe I'll put it on more often!

Me, desperately trying to stay awake, on Friday night past 10 p.m.

Me on a typical Friday night lounging around the B house

Who am I kidding?  This is me every night of the week.

When Big B tries to snatch my OK Magazine

Just when I think I am having an awesome day

Yesterday, I got ready in the morning and was out the door with enough time to grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte before heading to the train station.  As I'm sipping said latte and walking to the platform, I think to myself "this is going to be a great day."  Not two seconds later, I spill the latte all over my pants.  Damn it, I hate Mondays.

My mom just bought a hybrid (same car I have). She asked me how to fill up the gas tank, I responded

Little B when I try to sneak away for a second to the bathroom

Yes, I do think that my days of peaceful alone time while I pee are now restricted to when I'm in the office.

When Big B picks out a paint color, I respond

Little B when I try to sneak a vegetable on his plate

Traveling with the B's

Me at the end of the day while on a business trip:
Girl's trip (what my friends and I think we look like):

Little B on his first family vacation:

Big B and I after spending a week with our family:

Big B when I ask him if he needs help applying sunblock

Little B playing with the dryer

Did I really almost let Little B climb into the dryer just so I could quickly grab my phone and get a cute picture

Little B loves to play with anything that isn't an actual baby toy.  His current favorites are the dryer and the dishwasher.  He loves to toss any ramdom object he can find into them.

When a co-worker questions how often I really need to pump during the work day, I respond

On Sunday night I think it's a great idea to take the 6AM train and start work early, but when the alarm goes off at 5AM on Monday morning